我們沒有失去 言論自由 一直以來,言論自由都並非冇限制,只是有很多人(包括法律界人士)在討論「言論自由」時,都故意不把言論自由的限制説出來。 請參考香港法例第383章《香港人權法案條例》第十六條第(二)及第(三)款: 第十六條 意見和發表的自由 …. (二)人人有發表自由之權利;此種權利包括以語言、文字或出版物、藝術或自己選擇之其他方式,不分國界,尋求、接受及傳播各種消息及思想之自由。 (三)本條第(二)項所載權利之行使,附有特別責任及義務,故得予以某種限制,但此種限制以經法律規定,且為下列各項所必要者為限 —— (甲)尊重他人權利或名譽;或 (乙)保障國家安全或公共秩序,或公共衞生或風化。 [比照《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》第十九條] 從上述可見,第(三)款明確指出可以經法律規定為保障國家安全對言論自由作出限制。 我們收到並十分贊同一名會員對有關言論自由的意見。她的英文信件如下: We see from social media posts as well as articles from news media outlets that there is a view that ‘free speech is dead in…
Under Section 10 of the Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations (Cap. 208A), no person shall display any sign, notice, poster, banner or advertisement within a country park or special area except in accordance with a permit in writing granted…
Lawyers HK hosted an unprecedented virtual assembly on 25 May 2020 to condemn mob violence. Close to 200 lawyers attended the assembly, including various current and former presidents and council members of the Law Society. Those who attended the assembly…
This sounds crazy. And it is outrageous for a first-tier global city like Hong Kong to have to go through this. Due to COVID-19, Hong Kongers have slowly left behind the trauma of non-stop daily barrage of mob violence and…
Judiciary’s summary of G Lam J’s #judgement 1. The police have pursuant to a search warrant issued by a magistrate obtained from a hospital certain medical records relating to the applicant. 2. The applicant seeks a declaration that the police’s…
Aiding and abetting the commission of an offence (s.89 of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance, Cap 221) – any person who aids, abets, counsels or procures the commission by another person of any offence shall be guilty of the like offence.…
Attempting to commit an offence is also illegal. Don’t think you are only liable if the offence is committed in full! Under Sections 159G and 159J of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200), a person is guilty of attempting to commit…
“Hong City Online, breaking laws series” – 17 of 20 May be guilty of unlawful assembly or riot by way of joint enterprise or aiding and abetting an unlawful assembly or riot. Under s.89 of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap…
Under Section 7 of the National Flag and National Emblem Ordinance (Instrument A401), a person who desecrates the national flag or national emblem by publicly and wilfully burning, mutilating, scrawling on, defiling or trampling on it commits an offence and…
Q: Why do we need IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Council) or COI (Commission of Inquiry)? Can the victims not just commence normal litigation proceedings or otherwise rely on the current prosecution and judicial systems? #烈顯倫 GBM CBM JP #終審法院前常任法官